Thursday, November 16, 2017

Media Representation of Female Athletes

Media Representation of Female Athletes :

Publicizing has played a main part in consumerist culture, and athletic brands have taken full 

preferred standpoint of its capable impacts. Brands have changed from being organizations that only offer merchandise and 

administrations into remarkable characters with notorieties and identities. Promoting is the stage in which those 

remarkable brand identities are appeared to crowds (Horne, 2006). A standout amongst the most conspicuous ways athletic 

brands advance their characters is using big name competitor endorsers. Competitor endorsers are paid by 

brands to show up in ads or advance products and ventures. Superstar supports have progressed toward becoming 

an essential approach to advance brands and expert games. The "Jordan Effect" is a prime case of how 

compelling VIP endorsers can be with regards to obtaining power. Michael Jordan, a NBA legend, 

was supported by a few athletic brands and showed up in numerous notices amid his profession. In 2003, it 

was assessed that his effect on the worldwide economy was $13 billion. Horne (2006) likewise contemplated proficient 

soccer player David Beckham as a "living promotion." The Beckham family is viewed as a definitive objective for families to 

accomplish, exhibiting a dream to the ideal life that everybody needs to make progress toward. Sponsors have made the 

open trust that keeping in mind the end goal to acquire an existence like the Beckhams', they should buy the items that the family 


Despite the fact that superstar supports are basic in the game business, late research has 

uncovered the absence of female competitor endorsers in promoting today. One substance examination inspected 169 

ads in six unique sorts of magazines that contained competitor endorsers. The analysts found 

that regardless of ladies' interest in sports, just 12% of commercials included female competitor endorsers. 

Commercials that included female competitor endorsers were just imprinted in conventional ladies' magazines 

what's more, nonexistent in men's and youngsters' magazines. As indicated by the examination, "This may represent a potential 

issue with particular groups of onlookers, for example, adolescents and wellness buffs, both of whom are not presented to numerous 

female competitor endorsers in magazines" (Grau, Roselli, and Taylor, 2012). 

Another publicizing methodology utilized by athletic brands is the utilization of the brave account. Peetz (2002) 

taken a gander at how wear media utilizes legends to depict athletic triumphs and execution. The examination characterized the 

chronicled importance of myths and gives cases of how wear promoting, particularly Nike, utilizes athletic 

saints to pass on messages to gatherings of people. The discoveries demonstrated that Nike utilizes manly techniques to characterize 

the importance of a saint. These techniques can possibly skew females' view of how an athletic 

"legend" should look and carry on (Peetz, 2002).

Author: verified_user